What Impact?

It is normal to be concerned about sexuality when you are diagnosed with testicular cancer. The testicule is associated with the ability to father children, masculinity and testosterone, the hormone responsible for sexual desire!

Might as well address your top-of-mind question: Testicular cancer will have no direct effect on erectile function.

In a sexual context, fear of failure and anxiety can be associated with the fear of not having an erection, the fear of not meeting your partner’s expectations or the fear of not being a good lover. As a result, all such fears will have an effect on an erection. It is therefore not testicular cancer that is the cause, but rather the psychological impacts associated with the performance anxiety associated with this type of cancer!

The type of cancer, where it is located and how it has spread will determine its impact on the quality of your sex life. In the majority of cases, changes in sexual function, should they occur, will disappear over time. The sexual desire phase may be affected by the disease. In the majority of cases, disease related stress, depression and anxiety will contribute to a decrease in sexual desire and a loss of interest in sexual intimacy.

Although rare, some therapies could modify orgasm. Anejaculation, retrograde ejaculation or a decrease in ejaculate volume may be observed.

In any cancer context, talking about one’s sex life may constitute an additional challenge. Several people will tend to turn in on themselves rather than share their concerns about sexuality with their partner.

Such consequences are not the result of testicular cancer, but rather of the psychological impacts associated with performance anxiety.


When it comes to testicular cancer, there is a lot of nonsense out there.  Careful! Certain myths can add to misconceptions about sexuality and cancer. They are harmful to intimacy and to sexual activities. Here are but a few:

  • Sexual relations after therapy promote the recurrence of cancer
  • Cancer can be transmitted to one’s partner
  • Cancer will put an end to my love life
  • Sick people have no sexuality
  • Cancer causes erectile dysfunction

Sexual relations after therapy promote the recurrence of cancer


No. Cancer cannot be transmitted to one’s partner during sexual relations. Cancer is not a contagious disease like a cold or the flu.

However, some treatments like chemotherapy require that you take certain precautions such as using a condom for a few days (at least 4 days). Chemotherapy drugs are eliminated through bodily fluids like sperm, urine and sweat. Your partner could come into contact with these fluids.

Cancer can be transmitted to one’s partner


No. Cancer cannot be transmitted to one’s partner during sexual relations. Cancer is not a contagious disease like a cold or the flu.

However, some treatments like chemotherapy require that you take certain precautions such as using a condom for a few days (at least 4 days). Chemotherapy drugs are eliminated through bodily fluids like sperm, urine and sweat. Your partner could come into contact with these fluids.

Cancer will put an end to my love life.


As a general rule, a stable couple relationship has the necessary resources to get through the cancer journey. Communicating sexual expectations and needs will provide solutions to a satisfactory sexual life. Moreover, sexual intimacy is the result of relational intimacy where mutual respect, tenderness and esteem between partners is an integral part of the relationship. Learning to work as a team, accepting a partner’s influence, not taking small signs of affection for granted and helping each other, respecting the other’s opinion and problem solving through compromise are all elements that contribute to maintaining a satisfactory relationship. The main objective of a couple is to create an atmosphere that encourages each partner to speak honestly about his or her convictions, needs and expectations in order to reach a compromise that is satisfactory to both.

There is no bad time, nor is there a good time, to raise the issue of sexual side effects with a potential partner.

Addressing the issue

This diagnosis upsets one’s life in more ways than one, and sexuality ranks right up there. Being able to express your feelings, or to share your expectations and your needs with regards to sex could help you find solutions to improve intimacy and sexual relations.

Some questions may prove useful in identifying your needs and make it easier for you to share.

  • What is most important to me when it comes to my sex life?
  • What is most important for my partner?
  • What would be desirable and realistic for the two of us and would allow us to regain a satisfactory sex life given the side effects of the disease?

There is no good time, no bad time to raise the issue of side effects on sexuality with a potential partner. You simply have to feel comfortable and choose the right moment, usually a calm moment, in a relaxed environment.

The impact will depend on your attitude. Generally, testicular cancer should not affect your sex life or impact a potential relationship. Cancer is not the main cause of rejection. No one is fully protected from rejection. There are all sorts of reasons why a person you may be attracted to is not interested in you. Your own interest in that person is also based on several factors.

It is normal to be concerned about a first sexual encounter regardless of whether or not you have had cancer. Making a good impression and meeting expectations can be at the root of performance anxiety.

There are many ways of decreasing your concerns about that first date; take the time you need, be patient and realistic and create an atmosphere that will be conducive to establishing emotional attachment.

It is important that you not seek advice from incompetent people or from unofficial websites promising to solve sexual problems. Other than consulting your doctor, consulting a specialized sexologist can be very helpful.

Websites as well as certain boutiques overflow with all sorts of products that claim to cure or solve certain sexual problems. These products can prove to be dangerous and harmful to your treatments or medications. Before taking any such products, you must be careful and discuss this with your health care team.


Source: Text written by a oncology specialized sexologist at the CHUM, 2014.